Sunday, June 13, 2010

BP Oil Spill....My two cents

Well this has been going on for six weeks or so. It seems apparent to me that no one really knows what to do. That is the most depressing part of this whole mess for me. Its fun to blame the government, but of course deep down I know the government can't micro manage each and every oil well in the country. So that leaves the oil company, British Petroleum.

I seriously doubt anyone there intended to create a mess like this, but they are in fact the one responsible for what happens with their wells. They would gladly have reaped the profits, they should also foot the risk. It may turn out that one of their subcontractors screwed up, if that is in fact case, then BP should have a good case to collect damages from them.

What can't happen, and what I'm getting the sick feeling is about to happen, is that the US taxpayer get stuck with this bill. We simply can't afford that, BP should be made to make everyone as whole as possible, too bad for them. I know that this will crush the company and perhaps hurt British tax payers in their investment portfolio, but its also important to hold proper companies and individuals accountable.

If this is a problem, maybe companies should be made to place an escrow account for each new well they drill, to protect against any future problems. Ok done with my rant.

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